

Upward movement of soil caused by expansion or displacement resulting from phenomena such as moisture absorption, removal of overburden, driving of piles, frost action, etc.


A row of closely planted shrubs forming a fence.


The whole right of way or area which is reserved and secured for use in constructing the roadway and its appurtenances.


Local voids or roughness of the face of a concrete structure, caused by the concrete having segregated so badly that there is very little sand to fill the gaps between the stones at this point. Such concrete is weak and should be cut out in a rectangular or square shape and rebuilt if the wall is heavily loaded.


The combination of water with any substance such as lime or minerals, which is responsible for the alteration of minerals in weathering; the formation of hydrated lime; the setting of cement and so on.

The R-value is a measure of the ability of a soil to resist lateral deformation when a vertical load acts upon it. The R-value ranges from zero (the resistance of water) to 100 (the approximate resistance of steel). R-values of soil and aggregate usually range from 5 to 85.


Resistant to movement of water; a description of relatively waterproof soils such as clays through which water percolates at about one-millionth of the speed with which it passes through gravel.


The time required for a concrete mix can carry a small load without sinking like a mud. This is after about one hour in warm weather.

⧪ INHERENT SETTLEMENT: The sinking of a foundation due only to the loads which it puts on the soil below it and not to the loads on any nearby foundations. In city sites where the foundations are on clay, all foundations suffer both inherent and interference settlement.


The sinking of a foundation due to loads on foundations near it and the natural extension of their settlement craters beyond their own boundaries.


(1) Inferring the position of a point between known points on a graph by assuming that the variation between them is smooth. Usually, the assumption is that the variation is linear (A straight-line variation). 

(2) To estimate untested values which fall between tested values.


The level of the lowest part of a pipe invert.

A material used as a filler in concrete pavement joints to prevent infiltration of water, soil and other fine particles.

A horizontal wooden, steel or precast concrete beam directly supporting a floor.


A recess or groove in one lift or placement of concrete which is filled with concrete of the next lift, giving shear strength to the joint, also called a key.


The energy of a moving body due to its mass and motion.
K.E.= W x V / 2 g.

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