
NDT Methods for Evaluation of Parking Garages

Non-destrcutive Testing- NDT Methods for Evaluation of Parking Garages can help improve the quality of routine inspection and maintenance. Parking garages require routine inspection and maintenance to ensure they remain safe and operational. Weather it is a public parking in extremely busy downtown areas, or a private condominium structure, proper maintenance is needed to keep them safe. The importance of parking garages is often ignored, simply because nobody lives in them; while these facilities are often exposed to harsh condition, they are under-maintained and over-used (John M. Porter, PE, and Nathan D. Boutin, PE).

Deterioration of Parking Garages

Several deterioration mechanisms can affect the performance of a parking garage. Even when they are indoor, moving vehicles may help expose garage floors to aggressive agents. In general, parking garages are exposed to de-icing salts (or other chemical) which can cause corrosion; freeze and thaw cycles, and moisture (Read more). cyclic loads from the movement of vehicles can also aggravate the condition of concrete slabs. These deterioration mechanism can affect the safety and reliability of the structure.  Porter and Cohen believe that "it is critical to identify the cause of the damage to identify repair alternatives and estimate repair costs" (Porter and Cohen).

Maintenance of Parking Garages

Every parking garage structure needs a comprehensive maintenance plan. This is necessary to protect the owner's investment, regardless of age and type of construction. Most life-cycle problems can be prevented or reasonably managed through proper design, construction and maintenance (Porter and Cohen). Porter and Boutin believe that when parking structures are not maintained properly, (i.e. condition assessments are not performed on a regular basis), the cost of repair costs can grow exponentially.

Inspection of Parking Garages

Similar to most condition assessment projects, the first in the line is visual inspection of structural and non-structural components. Visual inspection is used to record the location and extent of deterioration, distress, and leakage.
Acoustic sound test (chain dragging) followed by the visual inspection can be used to narrow down the inspection area. Acoustic testing can reveal the locations and extent of delamination and/or scaling.

NDT Methods for Evaluation of Parking Garages

Non-destructive testing can be beneficial when dealing with large parking areas. NDT methods can show a precise map of deficiencies on the concrete slab. Different NDT methods can be used for different applications. The following describes the list of NDT methods that can be used in a condition assessment project:
1- Corrosion Mapping (Half-Cell Potential): Corrosion mapping is a widely used test procedure to identify the areas with active corrosion activity. The test can reveal the locations with high likelihood of corrosion; it can also be used to evaluate the quality of repair. Learn more: Corrosion Survey of RC Structures 
2- Surface Electrical Resistivity:  Electrical Resistivity of concrete can provide useful information about the resistance of concrete material to penetration of chloride ion. This method is adapted by several Department of Transportation (DOTs) to replace the labour-intensive and time-consuming Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT).
3- Ultrasonic Testing (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity/Echo): Acoustic methods can be used to locate and quantify delaminated area on the concrete slab. Acoustic method have successfully been used for evaluation of concrete deck slab in bridge structures. They can be used to detect voids in walls, or slabs, as well as predicting the thickness. Learn more: Ultrasonic Survey for RC Decks 

4- Ground Penetrating Radar - GPR: This method can be used to determine the concrete cover over reinforcement. The test can be used to locate delaminated area, and area with excessive moisture. Learn more: Corrosion Mapping using GPR


4 Methods of Condition Survey for Bridge Decks

Exposed Concrete Decks suffer from various deterioration mechanisms; i.e. freezing and thawing, corrosion. The most significant consequence is the delamination of concrete, which could eventually trigger other damage mechanism, such as corrosion. The maintenance of deck slabs is quite challenging mainly because it normally involves large areas; In many cases, closing the deck to traffic is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Existing (traditional) methods of condition survey for bridge decks involve chain dragging to identify and quantify delaminated areas; In this article, we will describe how non-destructive evaluation methods provide additional information about the condition of the deck slab.
The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has identified various NDE techniques for condition survey for of bridge decks. The report ranks these methods based on their effectiveness in detection and characterization of four major deterioration types: delamination, concrete degradation, reinforcement corrosion, and vertical cracking. SHRP 2 recommends the use of ground penetrating radar (GPR), impact echo (IE), ultrasonic surface waves (USW), half-cell potential (HCP), electrical resistivity (ER), and chain drag/hammer sounding for bridge deck evaluation.

1- Impact-Echo for Condition Survey for Bridge Decks

In Impact-Echo test, a stress pulse is generated at the surface of the element. The pulse spreads into the test object and is reflected by cracks, flaws or interfaces, and boundaries. The surface response caused by the arrival of reflected waves, is monitored using a high precision receiving transducer (Malhotra and Carino, 2004). When stress waves travel within the concrete element, a part of emitted acoustic waves by the stress pulse on the surface is reflected over the boundary layers, where different the material stiffness changes.
The data received by the transducer is normally analyzed in the frequency domain to measure the wave speed and the thickness. This procedure has been standardized as the ASTM C1383, “Standard Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates Using the Impact-Echo Method”.


The use of Impact-Echo method for detection of delamination in concrete decks with asphalt overlays is somewhat limited to low temperatures. The detection of the boundaries of delaminated area requires using a very dense test grid.

2- Condition Survey using Pulse-Echo (MIRA)

The Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo (UPE) method is used for thickness measurements, flaw detection, detecting delamination, and evaluation the integrity of concrete. The concept behind this method relies on the propagation of stress waves through materials. A transmitter introduces a stress pulse into the object at an accessible surface. The pulse propagates into the test object and is reflected by flaws or interfaces. The emitted impulse and the reflected acoustic waves are monitored at the receiving transducer. The signals are analyzed in the time domain, to calculate the wave travel time. If the wave speed in the material is known, this travel time can be used to evaluate the thickness of medium. Depending on the multi-layer system under investigation, the travel time of shear or compressive waves are used to evaluate the thickness of each layer.


The application of UPE method for bridge deck scanning can be time consuming, since a proper scan requires very close spacing between the test locations. The application of the method is somewhat difficult over rough surfaces.

3- Condition Survey using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)

Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) is an effective non-destructive testing (NDT) method for quality control of concrete materials, and detecting damages in structural components. The UPV methods have traditionally been used for the quality control of materials, mostly homogeneous materials such as metals and welded connections. With the recent advancement in transducer technology, the test has been widely accepted in testing concrete materials. Ultrasonic testing of concrete is an effective way for quality assessment and uniformity, and crack depth estimation. The test procedure has been standardized as “Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity through Concrete” (ASTM C 597, 2016).
Condition Survey using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity can be use to evaluate the quality of concrete quality  (learn more), evaluate Homogeneity and Uniformity of Concrete,  Measurement of Surface Crack Depth (read more), and prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete (read more).

4- Condition Survey Using GPR

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a very useful technique for nondestructive evaluation of concrete. GPR uses pulsed electromagnetic radiation to scan concrete. It can be used to locate rebar, voids, and delamination in the depth of concrete deck. When it comes to testing the bridge decks, GPR has a great advantage as it can detect defects from the asphalt overlay. Sneed et al.  reported that “GPR can be used to evaluate the condition of a concrete bridge deck with or without an asphalt or concrete overlay. GPR is currently the only non-destructive method that can be used to evaluate a concrete bridge deck with an asphalt overlay. The practice has been standardized by ASTM D6087, 2008.
GPR consists of a transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna, and a signal processing unit. GPR emits electromagnetic pulses (radar pulses) with specific central frequency to scan the subsurface medium. The reflected waves from subsurface layers, and objects are captured by the receiver antenna. The scanning apparatus can be mounted on a truck or a special vehicle and perform the scan at the traffic speed. This will eliminate the need for extended road closures. The main advantage of GPR method is the speed of test. Large areas can be scanned in a limited period. The scanning antenna can be installed on a moving vehicle, and can scan the bridge deck at highway speed. Application of GPR in concrete bridge deck evaluation can be as simple as locating the reinforcement, or thickness of concrete cover. It can also be used to identify potentially delaminated areas.


GPR can not directly detect delaminated areas on the concrete deck. Delaminated areas can only be detected if there is enough moisture in them. GPR can not provide useful information about the mechanical properties of concrete,  nor corrosion of steel reinforcement.


NDT methods for Scanning Concrete Bridge Decks

What is the future of bridge deck scanning? What is beyond traditional scanning methods such as chain dragging? This article briefly describes application of NDT methods for scanning concrete bridge decks. Regular monitoring and maintenance of concrete bridge decks is a challenging task. The Inspection and monitoring of concrete bridge decks using traditional chain dragging can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, the results might be accurate enough. Bridge owners and operators are looking for alternative methods that are rapid, and at the same time, provide more information about the condition of concrete deck.
The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has identified various NDE techniques for condition assessment of bridge decks. The report ranks these methods based on their effectiveness in detection and characterization of four major deterioration types: delamination, concrete degradation, reinforcement corrosion, and vertical cracking. SHRP 2 recommends the use of ground penetrating radar (GPR), impact echo (IE), ultrasonic surface waves (USW), half-cell potential (HCP), electrical resistivity (ER), and chain drag/hammer sounding for bridge deck evaluation.

Chain Dragging

Chain dragging is widely used to detect delamination in concrete bridge decks. The concept behind this very simple method is the unique hollow sound that is made by dragging chain across the delaminated surface. The test is used to identify potentially delaminated areas on the deck slab.


The main advantage of the method is that it is very simple, and no special equipment is required. However, chain dragging in the field needs some training. The practice is difficult when vehicles are moving over the deck. In this sense, distinguishing the hollow sound can be very subjective.


The main disadvantage of the chain dragging method is that they can only provide results if the defect and deterioration are in well advanced stages. Early diagnosis of damage mechanism is not possible using this technique. Application of the method is somewhat difficult during heavy traffic.

Beyond Chain Dragging
NDT methods for Scanning Concrete Bridge Decks

NDT methods can effectively be used for scanning concrete bridge decks. These methods can improve the speed of bridge deck scanning, and increase the accuracy of inspections. These methods can be automated to reduce the number of human labor in the field.

1. Impact-Echo

In Impact-Echo test, a stress pulse is generated at the surface of the element. The pulse spreads into the test object and is reflected by cracks, flaws or interfaces, and boundaries. The surface response caused by the arrival of reflected waves, is monitored using a high precision receiving transducer (Malhotra and Carino, 2004). When stress waves travel within the concrete element, a part of emitted acoustic waves by the stress pulse on the surface is reflected over the boundary layers, where different the material stiffness changes.
The data recieved by the transducer is normally analyzed in the frequency domain to measure the wave speed and the thickness. This procedure has been standardized as the ASTM C1383, “Standard Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates Using the Impact-Echo Method”.


The use of Impact-Echo method for detection of delamination in concrete decks with asphalt overlays is somewhat limited to low temperatures. The detection of the boundaries of delaminated area requires using a very dense test grid.

2. Ultrasonic Pulse Echo (UPE)

The Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo (UPE) method is used for thickness measurements, flaw detection, detecting delamination, and evaluation the integrity of concrete. The concept behind this method relies on the propagation of stress waves through materials. A transmitter introduces a stress pulse into the object at an accessible surface. The pulse propagates into the test object and is reflected by flaws or interfaces. The emitted impulse and the reflected acoustic waves are monitored at the receiving transducer. The signals are analyzed in the time domain, to calculate the wave travel time. If the wave speed in the material is known, this travel time can be used to evaluate the thickness of medium. Depending on the multi-layer system under investigation, the travel time of shear or compressive waves are used to evaluate the thickness of each layer.


The application of UPE method for bridge deck scanning can be time consuming, since a proper scan requires very close spacing between the test locations. The application of the method is somewhat difficult over rough surfaces.

3. GPR in Bridge Deck Investigation

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a very useful technique for nondestructive evaluation of concrete. GPR uses pulsed electromagnetic radiation to scan concrete. It can be used to locate rebar, voids, and delamination in the depth of concrete deck. When it comes to testing the bridge decks, GPR has a great advantage as it can detect defects from the asphalt overlay. Sneed et al.  reported that “GPR can be used to evaluate the condition of a concrete bridge deck with or without an asphalt or concrete overlay. GPR is currently the only non-destructive method that can be used to evaluate a concrete bridge deck with an asphalt overlay. The practice has been standardized by ASTM D6087, 2008.
GPR consists of a transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna, and a signal processing unit. GPR emits electromagnetic pulses (radar pulses) with specific central frequency to scan the subsurface medium. The reflected waves from subsurface layers, and objects are captured by the receiver antenna. The scanning apparatus can be mounted on a truck or a special vehicle and perform the scan at the traffic speed. This will eliminate the need for extended road closures.


The main advantage of GPR method is the speed of test. Large areas can be scanned in a limited period. The scanning antenna can be installed on a moving vehicle, and can scan the bridge deck at highway speed. Application of GPR in concrete bridge deck evaluation can be as simple as locating the reinforcement, or thickness of concrete cover. It can also be used to identify potentially delaminated areas.


GPR can not directly detect delaminated areas on the concrete deck. Delaminated areas can only be detected if there is enough moisture in them. GPR can not provide useful information about the mechanical properties of concrete,  nor corrosion of steel reinforcement.

4. Electrical Resistivity Measurement

The use of electrical resistivity method for quality control and evaluation of concrete durability is becoming very popular among scholars and engineers. The measurement of electrical resistivity of concrete provides useful information about the microstructure of concrete material. The test procedure has since been standardized by AASHTO TP 95.
This method is adapted by several Department of Transportation (DOTs) to replace the labour-intensive and time-consuming methods such as the ASTM C 1202, “Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration”, generally known as the Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT). The application of electrical resistivity measurement for scanning concrete deck was studies in studied as part of a research program (read more).


Electrical resistivity measurement is easy and fast to perform over concrete bridge deck; It can provide useful information about the resistance of concrete material to penetration of chloride ion.


Electrical resistivity measurements are effected by moisture content, salt content of concrete, and presence of steel rebar. This makes the task of data interpretation difficult.

5. Half-Cell Corrosion Potential Mapping

Half-cell potential mapping is a well-known test method for determining the probability of corrosion from the surface of concrete. A reference electrode (usually copper/copper sulfate) is used along with a voltmeter to measure potential different of grid points with regards to a reference point. A single connection to rebar mesh is required for performing the test. This is normally done by removing concrete cover over a small area (drill size hole over rebar would do the job), and connecting to the rebar network.
Half-cell potential mapping can identify locations where there is higher chance of corrosion. Half-Cell potential mapping can be used as an effective method for scanning bridge decks. Half-cell potential measurements can be used to identify locations where there might be more severe corrosion activity. Half-cell can be a very rapid test, if the access to the concrete surface is provided.


Half-cell potential measurement is easy to perform over large areas by using novel techniques and procedures. The data management, and obtaining test results is straight forward.


Half-cell test results are very sensitive to humidity, cover thickness, and quality of concrete materials. Test result can also be affected if the concrete is carbonated. However, the main disadvantage of the test is that the electrode should be placed directly over the surface of concrete. What it means is that the asphalt overlay should be removed at the location of testing.

6. Automated Acoustic Scanning

The very concept that is used during chain dragging was automated by a group of researchers at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. In this method, small metal balls are used to impact the concrete surface. The sound generated through this impact is collected using microphones, and are directed to a signal processing unit. The method shows promising result in automating one of the most traditional methods available for bridge deck scanning.

Remarks on Ontrio Structure Inspection Manual

This article is a brief review over different aspects regarding the bridge structure inspection procedure specified in the Ontario Bridge Inspection Manual (OSIM). The inspection manual has been used for bridge inspections in Ontario since 1985 with major upgrades to the document in the year 2000. According to the bridge inspection manual (section 1.2.1), “the main goal of the structural inspections is to ensure, within an economic framework, an acceptable standard for structures in terms of public safety, comfort and convenience.”

Objectives of Structure Inspection

The structural evaluation of bridges aims to:
  • Keep bridges in safe condition;
  • Prolong service life;
  • Find if any aintenance, repair and rehabilitation is needed;
  • A basis for a structure management system.

What is Detailed visual inspection?

A detailed visual inspection is Element-by-element “close-up” visual assessment of:
  • Material defects,
  • Performance deficiencies
  • Maintenance needs
Close-up is defined as “a distance close enough to determine the condition of the element”. In many cases, the inspection should be conducted within arm’s length of the element, possibly involving tapping with a hammer or making measurements by hand. Appropriate special equipment can be used to facilitate this assessment.

Who can perform it?

A bridge inspector must be a professional engineer or a technician with bridge inspection experience working under the direction of a professional engineer. Additionally, bridge inspectors working for the Ministry of Transportation must complete the Ministry of Transportation bridge inspection course.

How Often?

The following structures shall be inspected every two years (Biennially):
  • All bridges, culverts and tunnels with spans of 3 metres or greater
  • All retaining walls
  • All movable bridges

What to inspect?

Different defects and deficiencies in materials and structural components are identified and scaled in the visual inspection process. The data is then used to determine the Bridge Condition Index (BCI), to determine if further evaluation is needed, or if repair or maintenance is immediately required.

Remarks on Structure Inspection using OSIM

Visual inspections are generally in line with accepted professional standards; however, there a few concerns about the inspection be subjective, including:
  1. Close-up access is not always possible when performing visual inspection according to the OSIM. In this scenario, it may be possible to inspect a portion of the bridge close-up and then estimating the condition of the remaining inaccessible parts by visually comparing them to the partial close-up inspection.
  2. Visual inspection of bridges is expected to take 2-3 hours in average. Visual inspection on new construction, as well as small bridges or culverts can be relatively shorter, while the inspection period might be more for larger and older bridges.
  3. There is no particular quality assurance and control regarding the practice, except the fact that it is supervised by a professional engineer.


Acoustic Emission Monitoring for Civil Infrastructure

Acoustic Emission is referred to the radiation of acoustic waves in solids as a result of damage or any irreversible change in its internal structure. Acoustic emission monitoring is well-known for its application in structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure.

Structural Health Monitoring

Health monitoring is a process of implementing inspection, evaluation, reaction, re-inspection and re-evaluation in order to maintain the functionality of a system. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is widely used for assessment and reliability evaluation of major civil infrastructure.
Structural health monitoring normally involves the observation of the structural system over time using periodical inspection, evaluation and reaction in order to reach to target service life. To do so, a maintenance plan and budget is adopted from beginning. All this process is performed over time in order to ensure integrity, safety and reliability of system over the life cycle.

How Does SHM work?

The term of SHM evokes an array of sensors installed in structure for real time collection of data. The collected data is transmitted to a host computer with specified embedded software for further analysis and extracting the present state of structure.
Various sensors and transducers can be used for the purpose of real time data collection. This includes strain gages, displacement sensors, thermocouples, humidity meters, acoustic sensors, etc. All these data are collected in real time with no interruption in routine service of structure.
Analysis is normally done by comparing two system states. SHM can be used to locate the damage; it can also be used to evaluate the extent of the damage.

Acoustic Emission Monitoring

Acoustic Emission Monitoring is a famous form of SHM, and involves the use of the NDT methods for real-time condition assessment of structures. This method includes an array of acoustic sensors installed in the locations that are prone to damage. Unlike traditional NDT methods, The AE concept relies on the acoustic waves generated by incidents (such as cracking, plastic deformation) in the test area. This permanent changes can be because of overloading, environmental loadings such as temperature gradient, etc. These incidents generate stress waves when accumulated elastic energy in material is released rapidly. This stress wave is captured with AE transducers with different range of frequencies. Depending on AE test area, transducers with a specified range of frequency are used to detect the stress wave released from an event.

How Does Acoustic Emission Work?

Different parameters such as energy of received signal, amplitude of major pick, threshold level and number of recorded incident are used to analyze an event in a test area. Depending on the energy of recorded signal by each transducer in an specified array, it is possible to determine the location of incident in test area.

Applications of Acoustic Emission Monitoring

The AE methods is used in different structures for the purpose of health monitoring. The following represents a number of AE application for real time monitoring of structure:
+ Structural members under high stress such as post-tensioning and pre-stressing cables
+ Cable bridges
+ Pipe lines and high pressure vessels
+ Structures under risk of fatigue such as wind turbine, generator foundations, etc.
+ Components of airplanes such as wings, engine connections, etc.
+ Tunnels and mines under risk of slope movement
+ Dams under risk of landslides
The AE method can be used to monitor existing damage and cracks in order to follow up changes over time due to service load and potential overload. Landslide or slope movement in dam structures is of examples of such application.


Ontario Structure Inspection Manual

Ontario Structure Inspection Manual

The Ontario Structure Inspection Manual has been used for bridge inspections in Ontario since 1985. The manual underwent significant modifications in the year 2000 (OSIM, 2008). This FAQ provides general definitions and terminology used in the OSIM 2008.


A substructure unit which supports the end of the structure and retains the approach fill.

Auxiliary Components

Any component which does not share in the load carrying capacity of the structure.

Biennial Structure Inspection

An inspection performed in every second calendar year to assess the condition of the structure, in accordance with the methodology described in OSIM.


A structure which provides a roadway or walkway for the passage of vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists across an obstruction, gap or facility and is greater than or equal to 3 m in span.


The generic term for paint, lacquer, enamel, sealers, galvanizing, metallizing, etc.

Concrete Deck Condition Survey

A detailed inspection of a concrete deck in accordance with The Structure Rehabilitation Manual.


An identifiable, unwanted condition that was not part of the original intent of design.

Detailed Visual Inspection

An element by element visual assessment of material defects, performance deficiencies and maintenance needs of a structure.


A defect that has occurred over a period of time.


The individual parts of a structure defined for inspection purposes. Several bridge components may be grouped together to form one bridge element for inspection purposes


The determination of the load carrying capacity of structures in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code.

Floor Beam

Transverse beams that span between trusses, arches or girders and transmit loads from the deck and stringers to the trusses, arches or girders.


A common and public thoroughfare including street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for passage of vehicles, pedestrians or animals.


Any action which is aimed at preventing the development of defects or preventing deterioration of a structure or its components.


Any modification, alteration, retrofitting or improvement to a structure subsystem or to the structure which is aimed at correcting existing defects or deficiencies.


Any modification, alteration, retrofitting or improvement to a component of the structure which is aimed at correcting existing defects or deficiencies.


The horizontal distance between adjacent supports of the superstructure of a bridge, or the longest horizontal dimension of the cross-section of a culvert or tunnel taken perpendicular to the walls.

Suspected Performance Deficiency

A Suspected Performance Deficiency should be recorded during an inspection, if an element’s ability to perform its intended function is in question, and one or more performance defects exist.

Culvert (Structural)

A Structure that forms an opening through soil and;
  • Has a span of 3 metres or more (e.g. S in the diagrams below), or
  • Has the sum of the individual spans of 3 metres or more, for adjacent multiple cell culverts (e.g. a+b+c in the diagrams below),or
  • Has the sum of the individual spans of 3 metres or more, for multiple cell culverts (each with spans at least 2m) separated by soil (a width not more than the span of smallest individual cell) (e.g. a+b+c in the diagrams below, where a, b, and c are all ≥ 2.0m and d and e are both ≤ the minimum of a, b, and c), or
  • Has been designated by the Owner as qualifying as a culvert.


Diagonals are component which spans between the top and bottom chord of a truss or arch in a diagonal direction.


A defect produced by loading.


An element’s exposure to salt spray:
  • Benign – Not exposed (e.g. River Pier)
  • Moderate – Exposed but element protected (e.g. Asphalt covered and waterproofed deck)
  • Severe – Exposed and element not protected (e.g. Exposed concrete deck, Barrier Wall)

Lateral Bracing

Bracing which lies in the plane of the top or bottom chords or flanges and provides lateral stability and resistance to wind loads.

Portal Bracing

Overhead bracing at the ends of a through truss or arch and provides lateral stability and shear transfer between trusses.

Primary Components

The main load carrying components of the structure.

Retaining Wall

Any structure that holds back fill and is not connected to a bridge.

Secondary Components

Any component which helps to distribute loads to primary components, or carries wind loads, or stabilizes primary components.
